Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Resources, Quotes, and Sources of Inspiration

Resources, Quotes, and Sources of Inspiration 

Play by definition means the spontaneous activity of children. Unfortunately we have lost the word “spontaneous” in our teaching vocabulary. Everything we do now is a scripted or according to standards. Whatever happened to kids being kids? Check out the picture below I believe it captures that essence of play.

This website I found very interesting because it has pediatricians giving their views on play and the benefits of it. Who better to tell our children to play more, but their doctors!

I thought this pdf article was very informational and thought provoking. This would be a great resource for parents or teachers to print and have a around when they need some ideas on different ways children can play. It addresses how adults can support play, it reviews the stages of play (I thought that piece was very important for parents so they know what to expect at each stage), it also has recipes for fun to create materials to play with, and it lists additional resources to use to find out more about play.

This is one of my favorite quotes about play. It inspires me everyday. I have it hanging on the file cabinet beside my desk at school. I read it each morning to remind myself to let my kindergarteners be themselves and to explore with free expression.

“Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child’s soul.”

-Friedrich Frobel
The Founding Father of Kindergarten